Monday, October 29, 2012

10/26 BR

Ohio is a battlefield state for the election. There is 9 more days before our next president is elected. Both candidates are working hard on winning that state.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

10/25 BR

You cant trust them because they both lie. Neither of them are very trustworthy.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

10/24 BR

The presidential race is getting closer. Romney is closing the gap between the two as the elections grows closer. Obama has a slight lead ahead of Romney in the early voting.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

10/23 BR

It would make our country safer with the tougher ID laws. There would be a less chance of there being a terrorist attack. It has been proven that there would be less attacks if they had had the tougher laws.

Monday, October 22, 2012

10/22 BR

I think they should allow gambling. It will raise money for the state and increase tourism.  The Greenbrier is a money maker for the state and represents us well.

Friday, October 19, 2012

10/19 BR

He could've gotten more votes if he were on the Colbert Report because it is funnier. Obama isn't very funny.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

10/18 BR

The old Romney rears his head. Republicans see an opening on Libya. Obama throws the briefing book at Romney. These guys don't like each other very much. Romney has binders full of women.
Maybe when Romney gets elected he can create a job for Obama.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

8/16 BR's

1)Money shouldn't matter in peoples votes, it should be their needs in a president.

2)Mitt Romney is close to being tied with Obame, and it will be a close race. !

Monday, October 15, 2012

8/15 BR

The schools are pushing their students to get high scores on tests instead of trying to teach.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

BR 10/11

They shouldn't reject peoples applications because it isn't fair.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10/10 BR

I like big bird as well but the money for PBS could go to something else that has more of an impact on America.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10/9 BR

People should watch what they say on twitter because it can get them fired from their job.

Monday, October 8, 2012

10/8 BR

I think it is funny because they can leave if their favorite candidate loses.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


CNN: By most accounts, Republican challenger Mitt Romney was the clear winner of Wednesday's first debate with President Barack Obama. Romney engaged the incumbent while Obama looked down at his lectern. The challenger was a more forceful debater while Obama appeared less than engaged.

FoxNews: Mitt Romney energized his campaign for president Wednesday night, charging out of his first debate having, by most accounts from both sides of the political spectrum, dominated President Obama in a standoff for which he was evidently well-prepared.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10/2 BR

They just need to all get along and do whats best for the country.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bill assignment 2

Legislative Session: 2012(RS)
LAST ACTION: S To Natural Resources 01/12/11
SUMMARY:Stop Bullying in our schools.
LEAD SPONSOR:Tyler Schiefelbein
SPONSORS:Tyler Schiefelebin
Bill Definitions ?
I am writing to you about an issue that has been troubling our country for years. Everyone in their life has been bullied or been a bully. People don't know the effect it has on a person. I believe that we need to go into the schools and do different programs to show the effects fo people.

Kids everyday are afraid to go to school for the fear of being bullied. One out of four kids are bullied on a regular basis. Everyone knows the feeling of being bullied and nobody likes it. We need to go in the schools and stop the bullying before it gets any worse.

Most of the kids that bully have bad home lives. If we can show them the good in other people we can prevent them from putting someone else down. A lot of times it make the bully happier to make someone else feel bad about themselves. We can show them that they don't have to put other people down and to make other people happy.

This bill will go into effect November 20, 2012.

SUBJECT(S):Bullying in schools.


10/30 BR

They should do a better job of screening and checking for guns. They shouldn't be allowed to fly with guns.