Friday, November 30, 2012

11/30 BR

The woman is a weirdo. She shouldnt have put that on fb and should be charged.

11/29 BR

Romney should have won. Obama is silly and Only won because of certain reasons. I doubt Romney will run for a 3rd time.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

11/28 BR

If i won the lottery i would move out of WV. I would buy everything that i wanted and live far away form anything or anybody.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

11/27 BR

Giving money to charity is a good idea. It helps people who are poorer be less poor and gives them money mm.

11/26 BR

Babhy boxes should be illegal. Its not right to leave the baby in a box because you didnt want it. Also the baby will be all lonely in the box.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

11/14 BR

Obama won because all of the black people voted for him. That gave him the edge in the voting. I dont think its fair but oh wellz.

11/14 BR

Pregnant girls be crazy. She should have taken a chill pill. Her husband should divorce her and take the baby for his own.

11/15 BR

Our spending will put us more in debt. We should cut spending so we can start gain money for our economy.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

BR 11/13

people are too paranoid about the world ending. They should live life and not worry about dying. The world won't end anytime soon.