Tuesday, December 18, 2012

12/18/12 BR

Joe Manchin is very pro gun. He supports being able to have guns without many limitations. But after the shooting in Connecticut he is rethinking his view. He wants a change in the law so that guns are more limited.

Friday, December 14, 2012

School Shooting

Today 2 people went into an elementary school and killed almost 30 people. One of the shooters was killed and the other is still on the loose. I hope they find the other guy.

12/14 BR

People shouldnt want to change their name unless it is something stupid. Everyone should take pride in their name especially their last name.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

12/13 BR

They should still let bigger people be in the army. They deserve a chance just like skinny people. They could make different roles for those people.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12 BR

Explosions can be very dangerous. Luckily nobody was hurt or killed. They should get the highway fixed soon.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12/11 BR

It takes time for House and Senate leaders to put together specific pieces of legislation and get them to floor to be voted on.
If they miss Christmas, negotiators then have to aim for Jan. 1 -- the start of the year of the "fiscal cliff," a series of automatic tax hikes and spending cuts that kick in if the parties are unable to reach a debt reduction deal.

Monday, December 10, 2012

12/7 BR

The people that took video or pictures shouldve helped the man. They shouldve put down their phones and helped get him off of the tracks.

12/10 BR

The kids should get in a lot of trouble. The kids will have a troubled future if nothing happens. They should get in a lot of trouble to keep them from doing something worse.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

12/6 BR

I dont care about the contest. I dont like watching them on tv. Romney shouldve won the presidential debate. :/

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

11/4 BR

The senate should quit fighting. Republicans and Democrats dont need to fight over stupid stuff. They should not be worrying about it.

12/5 BR

Women should be able to fight in combat. If they want to be treated equally then they should be able to fight.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

12/3 BR

Going to school longer wouldnt be that bad. We would get more days off which would be okay. Everything would be okayyy.