Friday, September 28, 2012

9/28 BR

Should college students be allowed to have concealed weopons.

1. Pro-gun groups insist that an armed student or professor might have saved the day.
2. Mass shootings are rare on campuses.
3. Disarming victims doesn't protect them.
4.  Instead of controlling access, colleges rely on colorful "no gun" signs, foolishly expecting compliance from psychopaths.
5. Some call armed self-defense an extreme response, but in reality campus carry would only allow permit-holders to protect themselves on campus just as they do off-campus
6.We'll never know whether one responsibly armed citizen could have stopped the Virginia Tech shooter because armed self-defense is the only outcome colleges specifically prevent.
7. Concealed carry has steadily increased in recent years, but contrary to criticism, crime has fallen.
8. Campus carry is not untested. More than 200 colleges in six states have allowed it for years without incident.
9. Some colleges even see crime decline.
10. Colleges only maintain status quo, and encourage victims to comply or play dead.

1. Letting college students pack heat is a recipe for tragedy.
2. Undoubtedly cost more lives than they save.
3. The odds that a student or professor with a gun might be in the right place at the right time — with the skill, nerve and presence — to deter a criminal are incredibly slim.
4. The notion also assumes that everyone with a concealed gun permit is well trained.
5. In many states, including Colorado, a gun permit and a single training course, often lasting a day or less, are all you need to legally carry a concealed weapon.
6. Many courses don't include live firing.
7. In New York City this summer, when police shot and killed a gunman on the street near the Empire State Building, they also wounded nine innocent bystanders.
8. Imagine what might happen with armed amateurs firing away in a darkened theater, or a barroom brawl.
9. Colorado doesn't need any more tragedies.
10.  They know there are smarter ways to protect students than arming them for potential gun fights.

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