Wednesday, April 10, 2013

4/10/13 Assignment

College Sports Versus Academics- This one I get. It pokes fun at the Mike Rice firing where he shoved, hit and threw basketballs at his players. It is also saying that student athletes don't need to work as hard at school than those who do. Which is true..

North Korea threats- I like this one because it is Kim Jong Un coming out of a clock but instead of saying "Koo-Koo" he is saying "Nuke You". It's funny because he has threatened to shoot missles at South Korea and USA.

OIL- This one is about the Exxon oil spill. It has a man having oil spilt out of him with uncle sam saying he needs to buy pampers and a lot of them. It is in response to the oil spill in Arkansas that is kind of being shoved to the side by the government.

Roger Ebert- This one is about the death of Roger Ebert. He died earlier this week. It shows the earth as a reel of film and he is climbing the reel like a ladder to heaven. He was born in 1942. He was 71 years old.

Obama shoots hoops- This one shows President Obama shooting basketball and missing. A reporter is shown writing, "The basket misses Obama's shots." It hints that Obama does no wrong and that reporters seem to find someone else to take the blame.

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