Monday, April 8, 2013


Parents are usually the ones to preach to kids about not texting and driving, But they are the ones who do it the most. It is best to pull over to text someone and to pay attention to the road while driving.

1. It is more dangerous than drunk driving.
2. You can get in as much trouble as drunk driving.
3. You have to take your eyes off the road to text, which is dangerous.
4. Distracted driving is dangerous and unacceptable.
5. Sending a text while driving can take your eyes off the road for more than 30 yards.
6. You're harming other people while texting and driving.
7. You can go to jail if you cause an accident while texting.
8. You can get fined for texting while driving.
9. You can get points taken off of your license.
10. You or someone you crash into can die.
11. The law should be more strict.
12. It should be illegal in every state.
13. There should be a cell phone software that prohibits the use of a phone while driving.
14. There should be some exceptions like if your car is stopped or if there is an emergency.
15. People should teach their children not to text and drive.
16. If you have to text, then pull over to text.
17. Everytime you text is a chance to kill someone.
18. People shouldn't take the risk of texting and driving.
19. Most texts can wait to be sent.
20. The laws are becoming more strict across the nation.

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